Great alternatives to market your offer!

Note: If you do not see the banners below, you probably have an ad blocker, please disable it for this site so you can see them. Also a side note, some of these are affiliate links which means if you purchase anything, the price is the same but I will get a small commission.

I appreciate your support!

Free Classified Ads

Updated July 8, 2021. The ones listed at the top work. I'm still in the testing process. If you know of any other free sites to post ads, please let me know and thank you for using this website!

Traffic exchanges

Here are some great sites to post your ad on for free as well. However these require you to view other ads in exchange for credits which allows you to advertise your ad. On my youtube channel, you will find some helpful videos with tips and strategies on how to benefit from these.

To keep it brief, you gain credits, you must view other member's sites (usually 8 secs or more) in exchange, other members view your site, hince "traffic exchange". There are over 1000 of these out there that come and go, but I'm only sharing the best ones that's been around for a long time.


These work through emails. How these work: You will receive emails which has a credit link to view the other member's site in exchange for credits. These usually have a better converting ratio than Traffic Exchanges but can really fill your inbox with other peoples ads. So to help manage these, I created a video to show you how to organize these, I recommend that you watch this video before using these. 


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